
Imagine you are an applicant asking for a job.


8000年前的刻符文字,是汉字最早的雏形.中国人像画画一样记录下他们看到的世界The marks ____ on rocks 8,000 years ago ____ the first example of Chinese characters, hanzi. Ancient Chinese recorded what they saw in the world by drawing. Legends say that Chinese characters are pictures which can be read

西方人常说汉字是,可以读的图画.这是因为最初的汉字是根据,物体的外形来表达字义. 这种字被称为象形文字Westerners often say that han zi are ____. This is because the first han zi were pictographs which ____ through Physical resemblance to physical objects

同时汉字也可以根据代表声音和形体的符号来构成.汉字承载着丰富的历史印记从中我们可以解读出古代中国人的生活方式____, some hanzi are ____ symbols which represent sound. Looking back a history, we can understand the life of people they mention China with han zi

常用的汉字只有2500个左右.只要掌握了这些汉字就如同读了一部中国的百科全书.欢迎来到汉字的神秘世界There are 2500 ____ characters. A good ____ of these han zi is like reading an ____a on China. Welcome to the mysterious world of han zi
