A. 肠套叠
B. 肠扭转
C. 痉挛性肠梗阻
D. 胃十二直肠溃疡穿孔
E. 腹股沟斜疝
__________ 查看材料
A. wrong
B. right
C. correct
D. incorrect
A. 所谓还款能力是指借款人及其家庭的收入来源,或者其他的再融资渠道
B. 借款人的还款意愿是个人汽车贷款资金安全的根本保证
C. 当前个人贷款违约成本很低,既没有高的罚息,又没有有效的黑名单制裁制度
D. 借款人的还款意愿是个人汽车贷款资金安全的重要前提
Where did Gall spend the nights in the country? 查看材料
A. In a farm house.
B. In the open.
C. At a hotel.
My grandfather had always taken a __________ interest in nay work, and I had an equal admiration for the stories of his time.
A. splendid
B. weighty
C. vague
D. keen