
True (T) or False (F)( ) 1. The author has taken just two vacation trips in the past 35 years.( ) 2. One of his main sources of enjoyment is to talk with many actor friends.( ) 3. The author feels quite natural about not being focused on material goods.( ) 4. Only a small part of people in the world would consider the author’s lifestyle to be affluent.( ) 5. The author has a sense of belonging as he put on the Salvation Army’s red


Blank Filling1. The author has come to understand more about (1) ________ because of the question over the (2) ________ years from (3) ________ to (4) _________ .2. He is most thankful for his (5) ________ and (6) _______ good fortune.

( )是存储在计算机内的结构化的数据的集合。

A. 数据库系统
B. 数据库
C. 数据库管理系统
D. 数据结构

下列属于逻辑结构设计阶段的任务的是( )

A. 生成数据字典
B. 设计E-R图
C. 将E-R图转换成关系模式
D. 装载数据

如果两个事务T1和T2读入同一数据并进行修改,T2提交的结果破坏了T1提交的结果,导致T1的修改被T1覆盖掉了,这种情况属于( )

A. 丢失修改
B. 读脏数据
C. 不可重复读
D. 产生幽灵数据
