你正在编写一个Python程序,该程序允许用户玩猜数字游戏,数字必须在1和10之间,用户可以猜三次。你编写了以下代码,行号仅供参考。01 from random import randint02 target = randint(1,10)03 chance = 104 print(“猜一个1到10之间的整数,你有3次机会。”)0506guess = int(input(“猜个整数:”))07if guess > target:08print(“猜的大了!”)09elif guess < target:10print(“猜的小了!”)11else:12print(“猜对了!”)1314请将05,13,14行的程序补充完整,不考虑缩进问题
某企业正在创建一个面向小学生的乘法口诀表程序,你需要创建一个函数,该函数计算并显示从2到10的乘法表,请将[ ]填上合适的内容将程序补充完整。def times_tables():for col in range[ ]:for row in range(2,11):print(row * col, end = “ ”)print()#maintimes_tables()
你正在使用 python 编写一个函数,该函数必须满足以下要求:A.接受两个参数:一个列表和一个字符串;B.该函数必须在参数指定的列表中搜索参数指定的字符串;C.如果在列表中找到字符串,该函数必须输出消息,指明已发现字符串,并且停止继 续遍历列表;D.如果未找到字符串,该函数必须输出消息,指明未在列表中发现字符串。你要开发该解决方案,请将下列代码按照正确的顺序整理,并将正确答案写在答题框中。else:print(“未在列表中找到{0}”.format(term))breakdef search(items,term):for i in range(len(items)):if items[i] == term:print(“在列表中找到{0}”.format(term))
Complete the following sentences according to the passage. 1. A webcam is a video camera used to ____(发送) and display electronic pictures over Internet 2. A USB disk can easy ____(存储) and take data..3. A printer is a device to ____(打印)files. 4. A monitor is a computer____(显示) on which words or pictures can be shown. 5. Headphones are a pair of small ____(设备) through which you can listen to music from your computer 6. A computer keyboard is an input device from which you can____(输入)text or commands.
There are two kinds of software. They are _____________(系统) software and application software.