The characteristics of the international gold standard are()
A. a fixed exchange rate
B. Free import and export of gold
C. Exchange rates fluctuate around gold parity
D. The balance of payments has an automatic adjustment mechanism
E. Floating exchange rates
Activities of the money as a means of payment include()
A. Credit receipts and payments
B. Fiscal revenue and expenditure
C. Payroll
D. Income and expenditure on services
E. Donations
F. Indemnification
G. Price of tags on commodities
Financial assets include()
A. Stocks
Contract of Insurance
D. Foreign exchange
E. Deposits
F. Cash
Gold and Jewelry
H. Consumer durables
The way in which a money performs the role of standard of value is()
A. Price tags on commodities
B. Taxes
C. Payment of rent
D. Payment of wages
The role of money that does not cause the demand for money is()
A. Standard of value
B. Means of exchange
C. Means of payment
D. Store of value