In the Mainland ofthe People's Republic of China, Deposit shall be subject to
A. General Rules for International Factoring
B. International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits subject to UCP600
C. International Standby Practices
D. Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits
E. Uniform Rules for Collections
F. Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees
G. Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees
H. Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits
I. Uniform Rules for Forfaiting
J. Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China
K. Patent law of the People's Republic of China
L. Guaranty Law of the People's Republic of China
M. Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
A. 融资保理和到期保理都适用
B. 只适用融资保理,不适用到期保理
C. 不适用融资保理,只适用到期保理
D. 融资保理和到期保理都不适用
兴起于明代,依靠临海的地理优势,劈风斩浪,冲破当时的官府海禁,进行海外贸易的商帮是( )。
A. 广东商帮
B. 福建商帮
C. 宁波商帮
D. 龙游商帮
经营时敢采用赊购方式的商帮是( )。
A. 山西商帮
B. 陕西商帮
C. 江右商帮
D. 宁波商帮
当时南来“烟酒糖布茶”,北往“牛羊骆驼马”说的是( )。
A. 晋商
B. 徽商
C. 山东商帮
D. 陕西商帮