6. Why can't many people act on their ideas and pursue their dreams?Because they are ____________________________.
7. What point has the story of the small company proved?Companies these days must __________________________ constantly.
8. What are the elements important to achieving success according to the writer?A _________________ and _______.
A. 粗、细肌丝不形成明显的肌原纤维T小管
B. 具有二联体
C. 有横纹
D. 肌纤维分支吻合成网
E. 有多个核位于肌膜下
Z线位于肌原纤维的( )
A. 暗带中央
B. H带中央
C. 暗带与明带之间
D. 明带中央
E. 肌节中央