
What effect, if any, does high ambient temperature have upon the thrust output of a turbine engine

A. Thrust will be reduced due to the decrease in air density.
B. Thrust will remain the same, but turbine temperature will be higher.
C. Thrust will be higher because more heat energy is extracted from the hotter air.


What is the effect of compressor blade pollution on the engine performance

A. leading to discharge temperature decrease
B. causing engine knock
C. inducing engine surge

The function of spark igniter is

A. to generate spark and light the gas mixture.
B. to prevent the generator from shutting down.
C. to mix the high-temperature fuel with gas.

The work courses of Brayton cycle are

A. adiabatic expansion process, constant-pressure heating process, adiabatic compression process and constant-pressure exothermic process
B. adiabatic compression process, constant-pressure heating process, adiabatic expansion process and constant-pressure exothermic process
C. adiabatic expansion process, constant-pressure exothermic process, adiabatic compression process and constant-pressure heating process

The function of the engine intake is

A. rectifying outer air, and introducing enough airflow to the compressor.
B. pressing air to pressurize when flight speed is slower than the speed of the airflow into the engine intake.
C. pressing air to decompress when flight speed is quicker than the speed of the airflow into the engine intake.
