

A. 后腹膜炎性刺激
B. 腹前壁受损
C. 胃肠道浆膜受侵犯
D. 腹腔神经丛受侵犯或压迫
E. 膈肌炎性刺激


Senators are considering alternatives to

A. the health insurance program.
B. the public facilities program.
C. the health bill program.
D. the law enforcement program.

According to the news item, Goldman Sachs has been accused of

A. corruption related to banking investment.
B. fraud related to the collapse of U.S. stock market.
C. deception related to the crash of the U.S. housing market.
D. scandal related to the deterioration of the U.S. housing market.


A. 用解痉,止痛,氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)滴注+抗生素治疗
B. 放置胃管胃肠减压,补液,观察
C. 放置胃管胃肠减压,准备手术
D. 放置胃管胃肠减压,用西咪替丁(甲氰咪胍)静脉滴注观察
E. 解痉,止痛,静脉滴注西咪替丁(甲氰咪胍),观察

You may have gotten into phishing if

A. you are unaware of the dangers online.
B. you get a mail claims to be from a bank.
C. you are asked to give information about your account password.
D. you are asked to click on a link and visit an unfamiliar site.
