
某男性患者,30岁,不育,临床诊断为无精子症,染色体检查分析发现其核型为48, XXXY。请问该患者的体细胞内有

A. 3个X小体,1个Y 小体
B. 3个X小体,0个Y 小体
C. 2个X小体,1个Y小体
D. 2个X小体,0个Y小体
E. 1个X小体,1个Y 小体



A. 血常规检查
B. 尿常规检查
C. 基因诊断
D. 核型分析
E. 酶活性分析


A. 对
B. 错

Section ADirections:This section is to test your ability to give proper response.There are 5 recorded questionsin it.After each question,thereisa pause.The questions will readtwice.When you hear a question,you shoulddecide on the correctanswerfrom the4 choices markedA, B, C and D.Which one is the correct answer?

A. Yes, they are all handsome.
B. No, he isn’t
C. I’ma fan of MaLin.
D. Iusually play tennis.

Which one is the correct answer?

A. I like swimming.
B. Table tennis.
C. Frank is one of the fastest runners.
D. I’ m fine. Thank you.
