
报表填写场景设置假设你是东方红广场站客服中心岗员工张三,工号001。当班客值毛小二,工号:200;值班站长李刚,工号:201。兰州轨道交通最低票价2元,线网最高票价6元。通过下列场景填写相关报表。车站:东方红广场站日期:2017年6月19日班次:早班时间:6:30---14:30BOM编号:BOM01客至配备用金2500元,当班期间客值追配备用金100元;当班期间收取预收款一次,收取金额为1000元。客运值班员分别给客服中心岗配票:计次票:10次18元的60张,20次35元的50张纪念票:50元的50张,100元的50张预制单程票:2元的200张,3元的100张应急纸票:2元的100张,3元的100张一日票:10元50张三日票:30元20张三维市民卡:50张,押金18元。当班期间充值25次,共2000元。三日票发售不成功1张。当班结束后客服中心岗所有票款为10960元。剩余的车票如下:计次票:10次18元的19张,20次35元的5张纪念票:50元的12张,100元的26张预制单程票:2元的97张,3元的40张应急纸票:2元的11张,3元的4张一日票:10元33张三日票:30元19张三维市民卡:7张1)运营期间东方红站运能不足,受此影响,客服中心岗办理单程票退款309张,金额为618元,时间为7:30。2)乘客马先生持预制单程票无法出站,经客服中心岗分析,该车票过期,发售出站票一张,马先生持出站票出站。3)张先生所持纪念票(编号010101)非人为折损,无法进站,且BOM无法读取任何信息,客服中心岗建议其购买单程票进站,将原票回收,告知乘客等待电话通知领取新票。乘客联系电话6666666。4)乘客王女士由于无票乘车,导致无法出站,恰遇本站BOM全部故障。5)五日前,王先生在TVM 01购票时,投了一张五元纸币被卡,无故障小单,经车站人员检查,未发现历史交易记录。现经票务中心查实,确有卡币5元,王先生接客服中心通知到本站领取了5元现金。6)AFC检修工毛阳在TVM04的纸币传送带上取出1张五元的人民币,交给了客值。7)乘客杨先生把单程票塞进了闸机,可他却由于带的行李比较多,没有及时出闸。8)乘客万女士使用IC卡无法出站,经查实是IC卡无效,并且得知乘客从隔壁站进站。9)乘客谢先生所持有的应急纸票已经超时,导致乘客无法出站。10)白班客值与夜班客值交接是发现1元长款。11)东方红站共5台TVM,编号分别为V01,V02,V03,V04,V05,对应的纸币钱箱号分别为01,02,03,04,05,对应的硬币钱箱号分别为001,002,003,004,005。纸币钱箱显示金额分别为123元,218元,253元,398元,199元,01实点金额为118元,02纸币钱箱有一张面额为5元的假币,02实点金额为213元,其余的实点金额与显示金额一致。硬币钱箱005没有显示金额,其余钱箱显示金额分别为133元,101元,97元,159元,五台硬币钱箱实点金额分别为133元,101元,97元,158元,88元,补币金额分别为100元,200元,200元,200元,100元。12)夜班客值夏雨,工号:400;夜班值班站长杨可,工号:401。


You will hear a conversation between James Martin and Anna Blake. The conversationwill be played TWICE. Complete the telephone message by filling the blanks. Write only ONE word or number in each blank. (有数字的直接写数字即可。)[音频]Purchase OrderCompany name: Pacific 1Product number: 2Item: 3 folderPrice: $ 4 for 200 packsDelivery time: order by October 4 to receive by October 5

Read the two texts below about places of interest. complete the form with key information from the texts. Use the EXACT words , Phrases or numbers from the texts.Text AIf you’re looking for places to visit in London with your family, London Zoo is one of the most popular attractions for a day out with the kids. Opened in London on 27 April, 1828, London Zoo was originally intended to be used as a collection for scientific study and now it is one of the world’s oldest historic zoos. With over 12,000 wild animals—gorillas and tigers to name a few, London Zoo is dedicated to preserving all manners of wildlife and species, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom. There are a range of exhibits, such as Into Africa and Butterfly Paradise, where you can discover some of the world’s most unusual animals —the kids will love it!Text BOverlooking the waterfront of Elliott Bay in Seattle, Washington, is the Pike Place Market. Opened in 1907, the market is one of the longest continually operated public farmers’ markets in the US. Named after the central street, Pike Place runs northwest from Union Street to Virginia Street and the Pike Place Market is now one of the most popular tourist destinations of the city. Each day, from dawn to dusk, the market is always bustling. One of the market’s major attractions is Pike Place Fish Market, where employees throw fish to each other rather than passing them by hand. When a customer orders a fish, an employee at the ice-covered fish table picks up the fish and hurls it over the countertop, where another employee catches it and preps it for sale. And there is the site of the original Starbucks coffee shop. The store has kept its early appearance over time and is considered a tourist attraction.


A. 图纸属性
B. 文档属性
C. 系统选项
D. 新建对话框


A. 对
B. 错
