Part I Sentence translationDirections: Translate the following sentences intoEnglish or vice versa:1.我们旅行是因为我们想要去旅行,因为到一个新地方的兴奋和激动可以抵消在机场的各种烦心事。
3. 有研究指出,体验异国文化可以赋予我们宝贵的开放性思维,使我们更容易明白即使是微不足道的事物也可以有多种意义。
4.If we want to realize the creative benefits of travel, then we have to rethinks its overall purpose. (Para. 5, L4)
5. A bit of distance, however, helps loosen the cognitive chains that imprison us, making it easier to mingle the new with the old; the mundane is grasped from a lightly more abstract perspective. (Para. 6, L4)