华支睾吸虫寄生在人体的肝胆管内,导致胆管扩张,管壁增厚,其病变程度与寄生虫的数量和寄生时间的长短有密切关系。( )
卫氏并殖吸虫寄生在人体的肺脏,引起肺部并殖吸虫病。( )
A. 对
B. 错
华支睾吸虫的感染方式是食入活囊蚴。( )
A. 对
B. 错
华支睾吸虫在人体发育过程中经过肺及肝脏,可称为幼虫移行症。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Features of iCloud Photo LibraryThe iCloud Photo Library stores every photo and video you take and keeps them uptodate on all your devices. Any edits you make are automatically updated. The iCloud Photo Sharing app makes it easy to share photos and videos exclusively with the people you want to see them. Create a shared album and invite friends and family to add their photos and video clips as often as they want. And you can even take your entire photo collection anywhere without using up all the storage space on your iPhone.Every photo and video you take lives in iCloud — giving you the freedom to access your library from any device, anytime you want.So you can view a photo from last week or last year no matter where youare.Features of iCloud Photo Library1.The iCloud Photo Library ___1___ every photo and video you takeand keeps them ___2___ on all your devices.2.The iCloud Photo Sharing app makes it easy to ___3___ photos and videos with the people you want to see them.3. You can take yourentire photo collection ___4___.4. You have the freedom to access your library from any ___5___, anytime you want.