It's not polite to _______ other people.
A. smile at
B. stare at
C. talk to
D. chat with
He cried very easily at little things that were _______.
A. of no importance
B. no importance
C. of not important
D. not of important
He was evidently holding tight onto himself about something.What does the underlined part mean in the sentence?
A. 紧紧抓住自己
B. 牢牢把握机会
C. 尽力控制着自己
D. 抱紧自己
I sat down and opened the book and commenced to read.What does the underlined part mean in the sentence?
A. commented on
B. refused to
C. indulged in
D. started to
How to read the fraction 4/10 in English?
A. four ten
B. four tenths
C. ten fourth
D. ten four