
【单选题】对TDDS叙述错误的是( )

A. 药物的分子量越小,越易吸收
B. 药物的油水分配系数是影响吸收的重要因素
C. 皮肤用有机溶剂擦洗后可增加药物的吸收
D. 溶解态药物的穿透能力高于微粉混悬型药物
E. 熔点高的药物穿透能力强


【单选题】对药物经皮吸收错误的叙述是( )

A. 相对分子质量小的药物的穿透能力大于相对分子质量大的同系药物\
B. 皮肤破损可增加药物的吸收
C. 药物与组织的结合力强,可能在皮肤内形成药物的储库
D. 水溶性药物的穿透能力大于脂溶性药物
E. 非解离性药物的穿透能力大于离子型药物

which of the following statements is not correct? when the war of independence was over,

A. each new state had its own government
B. each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs
C. the national govenment was called the Congress with little power
D. the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined

which of the following statements is not correct? when the constitution was written.

A. there was a Bill of Rights in the constitution
B. there was no Bill of Rights
C. the constitution did not have any words guranteeing the freedoms or the basic rights and privileges of citizen,
D. a Bill of Rights was added to the constitution 4 years after the constitution was made

which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes?

A. the executive
B. the legislative
C. the judicial
D. the president
