
Determine the value of length after the following statements:int radius = 2;int length = 0;length = radius;length = 3;length = 100;length = radius;radius = 5;

A. 2
B. 5
C. 3
D. 100


Determine the value of the variableinterestafter the following statements:float principal, rate, interest;principal = 1.0f;rate = 2.0f;interest = principal * rate / 100.0f;

A. 1.0
B. 2.0
C. 0.0
D. 0.02

Determine the value of the variableinterestafter the following statements:float principal, rate, interest, new_interest;principal = 1.0f;rate = 2.0f;interest = principal * new_interest / 100.0f;new_interest = 1.0;

A. 1.0
B. 2.0
C. 0.02
D. 0.01
E. unknown

Which statement can increase the value of the variable count by 1?

A. count = count + 1;
B. count++;
C. count += 1;
D. count -= 1;
E. count + 1;

1.部编版小学语文从( )教材开始安排略读课文,形成“精读”“略读”“课外阅读”三位一体的阅读体系。

A. 二年级上册
B. 二年级下册
C. 三年级上册
D. 三年级下册
