
Normal average human skin temperature is 37°C. At any lower environmental temperature, heat will be lost from the skin to the environment as the body attempts to heat up the air in direct contact with the body. This () is known as conduction.


Until adjustment of the body clock has occurred, individuals suffering from “jet lag” feel tired during the new daytime, yet are unable to sleep properly during the new night. For athletes in particular this () of sleep can affect mood and powers of concentration and might result in poorer training performances and competition results (Reilly et al. 1997b).

Until recently, the support needs of frail older people in Sweden have been met primarily by the state, with there being little expectation that the family would provide care. This () is now changing as increasing emphasis is being placed on the role of the family.


A. x1=26.8%3;
B. 1+2=x2;
C. x3=8/1+2;
D. x4=1+2=3;


A. a如果按照字符型输出为字符‘B’
B. a的值是浮点型
C. 不允许字符型和浮点型相加
D. a的值是字符‘A’的ASCII值加上2
