If zinc phosphate cement is contaminated by moisture during setting()
A. its solubility increases
B. its hardness increases
C. its pH increases
D. its fluoride release increases
The following is a description of a glass-ionomer cement’s fluoride release pattern()
A. initial low-rate release,foilowed by long,low-rate release
B. initial high-rate release,followed by long,low-rate release
C. high.rate release throughout the GIC’s lifetime
D. polycarboxylate cement
可锻铸铁中的团絮状石墨由下述方式获得 ()
A. 由白口铸铁经高温退火从渗碳体分解而得到
B. 直接从液体中结晶而得
C. 由灰口铸铁经锻造而得
D. 上述说法都不对
A. Si02
B. MgO
C. Al2O3
D. Fe2O3