20世纪70年代末和80年代初,许多拉丁美洲国家负债累累。这对其净要素支付有何影响?在此期间,这些国家的国内生产总值和国民生产总值哪个较大? During the late 1970s and early 1 980s,many Latin American countries became highlv indebted.How WOUld this affect their net factor payments?Which was larger in those countries during thatperiod,GDP or GNP?
一家电视机厂今年倒闭了。这将给国内生产总值带来什么影响?利用支出法计算国内生产总值时如何察觉这一变化?增值法呢?国内收入法呢? A factory that produced televisions closes this year.How would GDP be affected?How wouldthis change be detected when using the expenditure method to calculate GDP? The alue—added method? The domestic income method?
假定经济中的资本存量与去年相同。若折旧率为正,那么经济中是否有毛投资?是否有净投资? Suppose that the stock of capital in the economy is the same as last year’s.Assuming a positiverate of depreciation,was there any gross investment in the economy?Was there any net investment?