

A. 需要邮件服务器支持
B. 属于应用层协议
C. 采用XML标识用户
D. 消息体必须加密传输



A. 最初由Mirabils公司提出
B. 主要由IEEE负责制定
C. 所有IM系统都使用统一标准
D. RFC2778描述了IM系统的功能

住宅设计中,楼梯踏步宽度不应小于0.26m,踏步高度不应大于 0.175m。扶手高度不应小于0.90m。楼梯水平段栏杆长度大于0.50m时,其扶手高度不应小于()m。楼梯栏杆垂直杆件间净空不应大于0.llm。

A. 0.9
B. 0.95
C. 1.0
D. 1.05


A. 6.00m2,4.50m2
B. 6.00m2,10.00m2
C. 4.50m2,10.00m2
D. 6.00m2,8.00m2

Which of the following is the best example of writing that is likely to be subject to the

A history of an auto manufacturing plant written by an employee during an auto-buying boom.
B. A critique of a statewide school-desegregation plan written by an elementary school teacher in that state.
C. A newspaper article assessing the historical importance of a United States President written shortly after the President has taken office.
D. A scientific paper describing the benefits of a certain surgical technique written by the surgeon who developed the technique.
E. Diary entries narrating the events of a battle written by a soldier who participated in the battle.
