
下列条件可不设室内消防给水为 。

A. 超过六层的单元式住宅和超过五层的其他民用建筑
B. 厂房、库房(除遇水易燃、易爆物品存放点外)
C. 耐火等级为三、四级且建筑体积不3000m3 的丁类生产厂房和建筑体积不超过5000 m3 的戊类生产厂房


Here tourists could hear the ________ stream splashing as water tumbles over the dam,powering the overshot waterwheel.

A. mill
B. mall
C. pump
D. plumb

Please be patient ________ my aunt -- she’s old and forgetful.

A. to
B. with
C. for
D. towards

She didn’t inform. me of her decision. That is to say, I have no idea ________ she will dismiss Linda.

A. whether
B. if
C. that
D. what

People cried in ________ as they watched the building go up in flames.

A. determination
B. patience
C. anxiety
D. horror
