
Don't stand on the desk. Please______.

A. [A] get down
B. [B] put on
C. [C] put away


They don't know if it ______tomorrow. If it______, they will not go to the park.

A. [A] will rain; rains
B. [B] will rain; will rain
C. [C] rains; will rain

The best way to pass an examination is to work hard all the year round.

A. [A] Right.
B. [B] Wrong.
C. [C] Doesn't say.

14周岁的张飞面色较黑,外表成熟,常被人误认为已逾20周岁,其研究创造的发明获得专利,该专利的市场估价是10000元,张飞将该专利以20000元的价格转让给某企业,用转让所得的 200元购买继续进行相关创造的材料,用6000元购买电脑一台,张飞的上述行为均未告诉父母,而对父亲谎称买彩票中了10000元奖金,张飞的父亲遂将3000元以张飞名义捐献给某贫困地区的希望小学。则下列说法中正确的是:( )

A. 张飞购买材料的行为效力未定
B. 张飞的父亲捐款的行为合法有效
C. 张飞转让专利的行为无效
D. 张飞购买电脑的行为效力未定

The message the author wishes to convey in the passage is that ______.

A. human civilization remains gorious though it is affected by climatic changes
B. mankind is virtually helpless in the face of the dramatic changes of climate
C. man has to limit his activities to slow down the global warming process
D. human civilization will continue to develop in spite of the changes of nature
