
A3型题女,26岁,妊娠早期有早孕反应,尿HCG阳性,于妊娠17周时感胎动。B超示单胎,头位,见心脏搏动。现为妊娠26周,近2周来自觉胎动停止,腹部不再增大,来门诊就诊。宫底平脐,未闻及胎心,B超复查未见胎心搏动和胎动。 临床诊断是()

A. 过期流产
B. 习惯性流产
C. 完全流产
D. 死产
E. 葡萄胎


施工项目成本管理的基本原则是什么 2.成本预测的作用是什么 3.成本管理全过程最重要的环节是什么 4.对施工项目成本分析主要是分析什么

A3型题28岁,阴道大出血3小时急诊入院。体检:血压:80/50mmHg,阴道大量活动性出血,可见烂肉样物,子宫如6周妊娠大小,软,双附件区未触及肿物。 正确的首选处理方案是()

A. 准备行剖腹探查术
B. 边抗休克边清宫
C. 给予大剂量止血剂治疗
D. 立即抗休克,待休克好转行清宫术
E. 行急诊B超进一步明确出血原因

Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it every day to get to work, to school or to friends’ houses. Driving can be very convenient, but can also cause many problems. Waiting in line at a red light, a driver may get impatient and decide just to drive fight through it. If another car is coming from the other direction, there might be a terrible accident. Cutting another car off can make its driver angry, so that driver cuts off someone else. Pretty soon everybody is angry, and impatient. Traffic accidents declare millions of lives every year worldwide. In Taiwan alone, over seven people are killed in accidents every day. The annual death rate (年死亡率) from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice that of Japan. To allow traffic to move smoothly and safely, everybody must follow the rules. Before you drive, learn all the traffic laws. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun! The sentence "Traffic accidents declare millions of lives" means"______".

A. Traffic accidents make some people become millionaires
B. Many people die from traffic accidents
C. Millions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents
D. Millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents

