When enabling a tty port to be used for a cu session, what must be done on the system?()
A. smit tty; take the defaults and create the desired tty
B. lsdev -Cc tty; check to see if the desired tty exists, if not create using smit tty Add a line similar to; Direct tty0 - 9600 direct to /etc/uucp/Devices Verify /etc/uucp/Dialers has the following line; direct
C. Install bos.net.uucp and the first available tty will be configured for use by a cu session
D. Run the Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (ate) program and it will configure a tty port for a cu session
A. savevg
B. tar
C. cpio
D. mksysb
YouareworkingonaCATDBdatabasethatcontainsanOracleDatabaseversion11.1catalogschemaownedbytheuserRCO11.TheINST1databasecontainsanOracleDatabaseversion10.1catalogschemaownedbytheuserRCAT10.YouwanttheRMANtoimportmetadatafordatabaseIDs1423241and1423242,registeredinRCAT10,intotherecoverycatalogownedbyRCO11. Youexecutedthefollowingcommands: Whichtwostatementsaretrueregardingthetasksaccomplishedwiththesecommands?()
A. TheyimportallmetadatafromtheRCAT10catalog.
B. TheyunregisterthedatabasefromtheRCAT10catalog.
C. TheydonotregisterthedatabasesregisteredintheRCAT10catalog.
D. TheyregisteralldatabasesregisteredintheRCAT10catalog.
A. Storethemksysbinasafeplacebecauseasuccessfulcompletionguaranteesthemksysbisgood.
C. Lookatthebosbootoutputwhenthemksysbwascreatedtoverifyitisgood.
D. Listthefilesonthemksysbbeucaselistingallthefilesverifiestherearenoproblemswiththemksysb.
Using the schedtune output, memory is considered over-committed if:()
A. more than one process is spinning.
B. more than 4 processes become active.
C. the system schedules more than 16 processes.
D. the pageouts divided by page steals is greater than 1/h.