Which of the following statements is true concerning centrifugal pumps?()
A. They are particularly suited for pumping high viscosity fluids
B. They are started with the discharge valve opened
C. The flow of liquid is developed by imparting energy due to the rotation of an impeller
D. They are always mounted in a horizontal positio
A. 非对称的减数分裂
B. 对称的有丝分裂
C. 非对称的有丝分裂
D. 对称的减数分裂
A. 与刘某共同为被告
B. 是无独立请求权第三人
C. 是有独立请求权第三人
D. 是与本案无关的案外人
A. 贷款调查结束后
B. 风险评估结束后
C. 贷款审批通过后
D. 借款合同生效后