
You work as the IT professional in an international company which is named Wiikigo. You are experiencedin implementing and administering a network operating system. You are specialized in deploying servers,configuring Windows Server 2008 Terminal services and network application services, and configuring aweb services infrastructure. There is a single Active Directory domain named wiikigo.com in your company.Windows Server 2008 is run by all servers in the domain. The company installs the DNS Server server roleon two domain controllers which are respectively named DC01 and DC02. Active Directory-integrated zones are hosted by both DNS servers. And Active Directory-integrated zones are configured to permit themost secure updates only. Key Management Service (KMS) installed and activated on DC01. You find aproblem that the service locator records from the wiikigo.com zone hosted on DC01 and DC02 are missing.You are required to force registration of the KMS service locator records in the wiikigo.com zone. Which action should be performed to achieve the goal?()

A. On DC01 at the command prompt, the net stop slsvc command should be run, and then the net start slsvc command should be run
B. On DC02 at the command prompt, the net stop netlogon command should be run, and then the net start netlogon command should be run.
C. The wiikigo.com zone should be configured to accept non-secure updates.
D. On DC01 at the command prompt, the slmgr.vbs rearm script should be run.


“施工机械的选择、配置”案例分析与答案考点真题解析 背景资料(06考点): 某高速公路M合同段,路面采用沥青混凝土,路线长19.2km.该路地处平原地区,路基横断面以填方3~6m高的路堤为主,借方量大,借方的含石量40%~60%.地表层以黏土为主,其中K7+200~K9+800段,地表层土厚7~8m,土的天然含水量为40%~52%,地表无常年积水,孔隙比为1.2~1.32,属典型的软土地基.结合实际情况,经过设计、监理、施工三方论证,决定采用砂井进行软基处理,其施工工艺包括加料压密、桩管沉入、机具定位、拔管、整平原地面等.完工后,经实践证明效果良好. 在施工过程中,针对土石填筑工程,项目部根据作业内容选择了推土机、铲运机、羊足碾、布料机、压路机、洒水车、平地机和自卸汽车以及滑模摊铺机等机械设备. 在铺筑沥青混凝土路面面层时,因沥青混凝土摊铺机操作失误致使一工人受伤,并造成设备故障.事故发生后,项目部将受伤工人送医院治疗,并组织人员对设备进行了抢修,使当天铺筑工作顺利完成. 问题: 1.选择施工机械时,除了考虑作业内容外,还应考虑哪些因素?针对土石填筑施工,项目部所选择的机械是否妥当?说明理由.


A. 保额
B. 车辆的损失金额加上救助费
C. 车辆实际价值
D. 车辆购买价加上救助时的花费


A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 150
B. 100
C. 200
