
Which of the following is not the title of Confucius___()

A. a scholar
B. a bishop
C. a philosopher
D. an educator


Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the_of a culture resists major alterations()

A. the deep structure
B. tradition
C. background
D. history

Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement. In the past 3 years, great changes have been taken place inmy hometown. For example, loads of buildings have been

A. In the past 3 years
B. have been taken place
C. loads of buildings
D. torn away and rebuilt

Find out the incorrect parts and put the corresponding letter after the statement. I think that she can to finish the tasks by herself, for she never relies on others’ assistance()

A. I think
B. can to finish
C. never relies
D. others’ assistance


A. 《再铸时代铁脊梁》
B. 《追梦新时代》
