
The Oscar Award,_awarded annually for achievement in movies, is the most influential movie award with the longest history and largest scale in the world()

A. the golden piano
B. the golden football
C. the golden pen
D. the golden statuette


marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world()

A. The Renaissance
B. The Norman Conquest
C. The Enlightenment
D. The Romanticism

is the only black woman writer in American Nobel Prize Winners in Literature()

A. Pearl S. Buck
B. Ernest Hemingway
C. William Faulkner
D. Toni Morrison

Qualifiers can play an important role in your writing, giving your readers clues about how confident you feel about the information you’re presenting. Which of the following words is a qualifier()

A. Might
B. Often
C. Many
D. All of the above

A proposal argument essay is written to persuade people to take _()

A. your stand or position on an issue
B. your proposed solution to a problem
C. your personal experiences into consideration
