
A price ceiling is binding when it is set()

A. above the equilibrium price, causing a shortage
B. above the equilibrium price, causing a surplus
C. below the equilibrium price, causing a shortage
D. below the equilibrium price, causing a surplus


Causes of market failure include()

A. externalities and market power
B. market power and incorrect forecasts of consumer demand
C. xternalities and foreign competition
D. incorrect forecasts of consumer demand and foreign competition

The opportunity cost of an item is()

A. the number of hours needed to earn money to buy the item
B. what you give up to get that item
C. usually less than the dollar value of the item
D. the dollar value of the item

thinking in black-and-white terms()

A. only if they think the policy is a good one
B. only if the policy change changes the costs of their behavior
C. only if the policy change changes the benefits of their behavior
D. if the policy changes either the costs or benefits of their behavior


A. 清洗时最好对着垃圾桶, 因为喷射的同时积碳会被液化流下
B. 容易弄脏环境
C. B.清洗剂有一定的刺激性气味和腐蚀性,所以操作时需要戴上口罩,远离口、鼻、眼睛
D. C.全部喷涂到位以后,应用棉布进行擦拭
E. D.节气门中间的翻板尽量不要用手去触动,若真的很脏不得不用手掰动清洗,一定要轻
