一群人围绕某个特定的主题进行讨论,并在这个过程中不断产生新观点的创意思考方法被称为什么方法?( )
A. 集中讨论
B. 头脑风暴
C. 创意解难法
D. 曼陀罗思考法
Ezra Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the “______________ movement”.
A. Futurism
B. Modernism
C. Imagism
D. Naturalism
In the United States, modernism refers to the 20th- century American literature, which can also be called ________________.
A. the Lost Generation
B. Harlem Renaissance
C. the Beat Generation
D. the Second American Renaissance
Imagism is a poetic movement of England and the United States, flourished from 1909 to 1917, itsbelief, expressed in Some Imagist Poets (1915), included _________________________________________.
A. the use of the language of common speech(平实的语言)
B. objective matter (客观的事件)
C. the evocation of images in hard, clear poetry, and concentration (意象展示)
D. All of the above.
Ezra Pound's major work of poetry is the long poem called_____________.
A. Poetry: A Magazine of Verse
B. The Cantos
C. The Waste Land
D. Finnegans Wake