A. 材料
B. 温度变化量
C. 杆长
D. 面积
What can we know from this conversation?
A. Bradley Cohen has invited the girl out next time.
Bradley Cohen hasn't invited the girl out next time.
Why does Bradley and his father decide to have lunch at work?
A. Because his father is too busy to have lunch in the restaurant.
Because it doesn't matter if Bradley makes noises there.
A. 使用破冰技巧,让场子热起来
B. 为了让大家畅所欲言,主持人把会议主导权全部交给参会人员,让大家自由发言,想说什么就说什么,不限制
C. 主持人始终控制主导权,通过评价发言人的发言来引导意见方
D. 启发个人思考,请每个人把想法写在便签纸上
E. 对收集上来的意见或问题进行讨论并确认优先级