
A.I will phone you again.B.It's a good story.C.Me, too.D.That's OK.

A. I will phone you again.
B. It's a good story.
C. Me, too.
D. That's OK.


A.No, I don't.B.Beef, please.C.Yes, please.D.I am eating.

A. No, I don't.
Beef, please.
C. Yes, please.
D. I am eating.

Section B
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

A. He hurt himself.
B. He lost his car.
C. He had a traffic accident.
D. There was something wrong with his car.


A. 派出所警察季某在家中与邻居申某发生争执,季某将申某打伤,申某住院治疗20天,申某出院后以季某是警察为由向季某所在公安机关申请,要求公安机关赔偿其医疗费和因误工减少的收入
B. 李某,一日骑摩托车到农贸市场买菜时,市场内发生商贩聚众械斗,李某上前维持秩序,这时派出所警察赶来,警察在阻止械斗过程中将李某的摩托车损坏,为此李某向公安机关要求赔偿修理费
C. 甲鱼养殖专业户杜某,被人举报3年偷漏税款,乡税务所派税务人员找杜某核实,税务人员对工作不负责任,未经认真核实就限杜某在一个月内补交3年的税款。杜某自知从未偷税,到县里四处找关系,甲鱼由家人看养,杜家人误将农药掺人甲鱼食料中,将300多只甲鱼毒死,杜某以甲鱼之死是由税务机关错误行为所致,要求税务机关赔偿其因甲鱼死亡所造成的损失
D. 某县公安局接到举报,说县文物局被盗的一对清代青瓷碗藏匿在杨某家中。县公安局到杨某家中搜查,搜出一对确与文物局丢失的相同的青瓷碗,并以赃物扣押,由县公安局保管,由于保管不慎,青瓷碗被盗。后又查实该青瓷碗确系杨家的祖传家产,杨某于是要求公安机关赔偿损失

A.Kevin organized the files.B.Kevin and Frank divided them evenly.C.Frank gave most of

A. Kevin organized the files.
B. Kevin and Frank divided them evenly.
C. Frank gave most of them to Kevin.
D. Frank took care of them.
