TroubleshootingEngineer 1: Hey, Amy. Were you able to complete that systems test?Engineer 2: I was actually just making a report on the results.Engineer 1: Great. So what were you looking at?Engineer 2: A few people complained that their (1) were slow. So I used several metrics to test both the speed and capacity of the (2).Engineer 1: What metrics did you use?Engineer 2: I started with the central (3) unit. I tested it for execution time and throughput.Engineer 1: Good thinking. What did you find?Engineer 2: Well, there's good news and bad news.Engineer 1: What's the good news?Engineer 2: The throughput is still fairly high. The computer still processes large amounts of (4) in a short amount of time.Engineer 1: Well, that is good. We need the computers to process instructions quickly.Engineer 2: However, there were some disappointing areas of (5).Engineer 1: I thought there might be.Engineer 2: Yes. I found that the system CPU time slowed down significantly.Engineer 1: The background system must not be functioning properly.Engineer 2: That's what it looks like. I'm recommending further diagnostic tests.
A. 社会劳动
B. 实践劳动
C. 诚实劳动
D. 辛勤劳动
A. 与时俱进
B. 实事求是
C. 艰苦奋斗
D. 勤劳简朴
A. 发生在人与自然界之间的活动
B. 生产物质资料的过程
C. 创造社会价值
D. 创造性的实践活动