列车进路没有开放时,TCC 向股道发送 码或检测码(低频值为 Hz),道岔区段发送检测码。
According to the dictionary named The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, communication is derived from the Latin word communicare which means “to ___________” or “to ___________.”
Communication includes nine components, they are: sender/source, __________, channel, message, __________, __________, feedback, noise, __________.
Western cultures emphasize the ___________ function of communication;that is _____________.
紫外-可见吸收光谱是由于( )产生的
A. 分子价电子能级跃迁
B. 核外电子能级跃迁
C. 核的自旋能级跃迁
D. 分子振转能级的跃迁