
61下面关于肝动脉栓塞化疗病人的护理,错误的描述是 ·

A. 术前行碘过敏和普鲁卡因过敏试验
B. 术前6h禁食禁水
C. 术后禁食2~3天,逐渐过渡到流质饮食
D. 穿刺部位包扎后无需沙袋压迫,以免影响穿刺肢体血液循环



A. 做好粮食保管,防霉去毒 ·
B. 保持生活规律,避免情绪剧烈和劳累
C. 饮食应以高热量、高蛋白、高脂肪为宜
D. 保护水源,防止污染

2. It is difficult for foreigners to understand Chinese traditional medical treatment, because they don't___________________.

A. share the same idioms
B. share the same experience
C. share the same ideas
D. share the same information

翻译画横线部分。1.读后翻译题:Tourism is always closely related to culture. Cultural tourism becomes a new landmark in the tourist enterprise. For a tourist guide, it is a easy job to introduce or describe the natural scenery to the visitors, but it is not that easy for them to explain the culture. Hence, visitors have to study the culture thing themselves in order to gain an impressive trip.旅游业始终与文化密切相关。文化旅游成为旅游企业的新里程碑。对于导游来说,向游客介绍或描述自然风景是一件容易的事,但他们解释文化并不容易。因此,游客必须自己研究文化事物才能获得令人印象深刻的旅行。China is a large country with time-honored history. From the ancient times, the ancestors of Chineselaboured, lived, and multipliedon this vast land and have created splendid culture.As one of the four cradles of world's earliest civilizations, it has a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years. Throughout the history of Chinese civilization,itsagriculture and handicraftshave been renowned for their high level of sophistication. During these 4,000 years, China has nurtured many greatthinkers, inventors, statesmen, strategists, men of letters and artists, yielding a richcultural heritageandfine cultural traditions.中国是一个历史悠久的大国。从远古时代开始,中国人的祖先就在这片辽阔的土地上________1_________,创造了灿烂的文化。____________2____________,它有近4000年的历史。纵观中华文明的历史,其________3_________以其高度复杂而闻名。在这4000多年的时间里,中国培养了许多伟大的____________4____________,产生了丰富的________5________和优良的________6________。


A. 反复呕血
B. 黑便次数增加伴肠鸣音亢进
C. 血红蛋白测定与红细胞计数继续下降
D. 网织红细胞计数持续下降
E. 血压波动,中心静脉压不稳
