
Match匹配题:下面陈述分别出自哪一段,只填表示段落的阿拉伯数字。1. Whether a job is work or labor depends on the very person who does it rather than the types of work: a manual job or a mental job.Para._____2.Lifelong learning can make the difference between workers and laborers. Para._____3. Increasing productivity provides people with much more leisure time; laborers spend their time fostering bad habits. Para._____4. It is a pity that laborers are very common and can be seen everywhere, and only a small percentage of the population is lucky to be workers. Para._____5. Those who enjoy their jobs will find time passes quickly. Para._____6. Being happy at work, one must do what he enjoys and what is considered valuable. Para._____7. Workers and laborers have quite different attitude towards their job which determines everything. Para._____8. Workers derive a sense of satisfaction and pride from their jobs. Para._____9. Play is the very opposite of labor. Para._____10.Everyone has to find a job to live, but you can choose to be a worker or laborer.Para._____




A. 具有亚稳态能级结构的工作物质
B. 激励器
C. 谐振腔
D. 布儒斯特窗


A. 提高激光的方向性
B. 提高激光束的单色性
C. 提高激光束的出射强度
D. 提高激光的偏振性


A. 小于45分钟
B. 小于60分钟
C. 大于45分钟
D. 大于60分钟
