

A. 价值的形成和实现以坚持真理为前提
B. 真理必然是具有价值的
C. 通过相互引导、相互结合、相互过渡,实现真理和价值的历史的逻辑的统一
D. 成功的实践必然是既遵循真理尺度,又符合价值尺度



A. 同一客体对于不同主体的价值是不同的,带有主体的个性特征
B. 主客体之间的关系是主体在实践基础上确立的一种创造性的关系
C. 主客体之间的价值关系不是一种自然的、现成的关系
D. 客观事物的某种属性能否具有价值及具有何种价值要以人的需要为基准


A. 理论对实践具有指导作用
B. 理论不能代替实践
C. 理论本身就是物质的力量
D. 理论的作用可以通过实践表现出来

In most speech situations, each of the following should happen in an introduction EXCEPT

A. Creating suspense by withholding the central idea until the body of the speech.
B. Getting the attention and interest of the audience.
C. Previewing the body of the entire speech.
D. Establishing the speaker's credibility and good will.

Why do you want to capture your audience’s attention in your introduction?

A. Because it helps create a bond between you and the audience.
Because it provides motivation for the audience to pay attention.
C. Because it makes your presentation more exciting.
D. All of the above.
