
Even when mistakes are discussed at morbidity and mortality conferences, it is to examine the feelings of the patient or physician instead of the medical facts.

A. 对
B. 错


According to doctor Brian Goldman, what doctors and physicians need is an environment to be able to share their stories and try to learn one thingfrom what happenedso as to teach to somebody else in a loving, supportive way.

A. 对
B. 错

多分支语句switch(表达式){}中,表达式不可以返回哪种类型的值( )。

A. 整型
B. 实型
C. 接口型
D. 字符型

下列方法method()执行,返回值为( )int method(){int num=10;if (num>20)return num;num=30;}

A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 编译出错

java用( )来实现goto语句所特有的一些功能。

A. break
B. default
C. continue
D. return
