
A successful business deal can take place only when____.

A. the customer is satisfied at the expense of the company
B. a company makes a big profit
C. consumer satisfaction and company profit are given equal importance
D. priority is given to the requirements of the customer


①矛盾的主要方面规定事物性质 ②变化就是发展
③一切从实际出发 ④具体问题具体分析

A. ①③
B. ②④
C. ①②
D. ③④


A. 中华人民共和国的建立
B. 土地改革的顺利完成
C. 全国大陆的解放与统一
D. 三大改造的基本完成

In what does interferon differ from antibiotics?

A. Interferon has serious side effects,whereas antibiotics do not.
B. Interferon is available in large supply, whereas antibiotics are not.
C. Antibiotics are very effective,while interferon is not.
D. Antibiotics kill germs by attacking them directly, while interferon does not.

People suffering from_____prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken in

A. acrophobia
B. agoraphobia
C. claustrophobia
D. xenophobia
