有如下程序,若要求x1、x2、y1、y2的值分别为10、20、A、B,正确的数据输入是( )。(注:└┘代表空格)int x1,x2;char y1,y2;scanf(”%d%d”,&x1,&x2);scanf(”%c%c”, &y1,&y2);
A. 1020AB
B. 10└┘20└┘ABC
C. 10└┘20AB
D. 10 20 A B
根据定义和数据的输入方式,输入语句的正确形式为:( )。(注:└┘代表空格)已有定义:float x,y;数据的输入方式:1.23<回车>4.5<回车>
A. scan(”%f,%f”,&x,&y);
B. scanf(”%f%f”,&x,&y);
C. scanf(”%3.2f└┘%2.1f”,&x,&y);
D. scanf(”%3.2f%2.1f”,&x,&y);
When you decide that you would not work with the company for whatever reason, you are expected to ________ inform the company and ________ present your appreciation for the offer when ________ declining the position.
A. promptly, candidly, explicitly
B. hesitantly, candidly, implicitly
C. unnecessarily, ambiguously, bluntly
D. sluggishly, candidly, crudely
Show your _______ and ask _______ and ________ in your communication with the HRs about their decline.
A. anxiety, sentimentally, agitatedly
B. discretion, professionally, calmly
C. calm, casually, indifferently
D. apprehension, uneasily, miserably
When your application is declined, please ask the employer for the reason, if possible.
A. 对
B. 错