It's ____t_____(吸引人的) to spend hours ... alone in front of our computers, instead of engaging in ____t____ encounters我们很容易独自在电脑前花上几个小时……,而不是进行切实的接触
It is important to ____i____ in your friendships在你的友谊上多投入是很重要的。
...paying attention to meaningful events in a friend's life, _____a_______and celebratingtheir _______m_____(复数).... 关注朋友生活中有意义的事情,承认和庆祝他们的里程碑(重要事件/阶段)
I stay away from people who are _____n____and who ____d____ my energies我远离那些消极的、耗尽我精力的人。
“Deeper friendships expand our inner ____h____(地平线,眼界) and enhance the ___q_____of our life,”“较深厚的友谊可以丰富我们的内心世界,提高我们的生活质量,”