
1.We count on first responders to rush toward danger, especially when it involves us or those we love.2.Most characters in his movies are somewhat larger- than-life.3.He spent 3 years in jail for drug possession.4.During the rain storms in the spring and fall, I was confined to the house all day.5.The construction team found a burial chamber of thousands of years history.6.There is a strong need to establish effective communication links between staff, parents, pupils, and external bodies.7.We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.



A. 一次可以读两个数据,然后取平均值
B. 消除偏心差
C. 减小偶然误差
D. 方便读数


A. 各半调节法
B. 自准直法
C. 最小偏向角法

已知一高斯面所包围的体积内电量代数和为零,则可以肯定的是 [ ]

A. 高斯面上各点场强均为零;
B. 穿过高斯面上每一面元的电通量均为零;
C. 穿过整个高斯面的电通量为零;
D. 以上说法都不对。

静电场中某点电势的数值等于 [ ]

A. 试验电荷q0置于该点时具有的电势能;
B. 单位试验电荷置于该点时具有的电势能;
C. 单位正电荷置于该点时具有的电势能;
D. 把单位正电荷从该点移到电势零点外力做的功。
