
By, children play tricks on April's Day.

A. location
B. treat
C. trade
D. tradition


A number of were taken to solve this problem.

A. meaning
B. measures
C. meant
D. measurement

Everyone and clapped as the football team came on to the field.

A. cheerful
B. cheered
C. cheering
D. chear

设窗体上有名称为Optionl的单选按钮,且程序中有语句:If Option1.Value=True Then 下面语句中与该语句不等价的是( )。

A. If Optionl.Value Then
B. If Optionl=True Then
C. If Value=True Then
D. If Optionl Then

设窗体上有1个水平滚动条,已经通过属性窗口把它的Max属性设置为1,Min属性设置为100。下面叙述中正确的是( )。

A. 程序运行时,若使滚动块向左移动,滚动条的Value属性值就增加
B. 程序运行时,若使滚动块向左移动,滚动条的Value属性值就减少
C. 由于滚动条的Max属性值小于Min属性值,程序会出错
D. 由于滚动条的Max属性值小于Min属性值,程序运行时滚动条的长度会缩为一
