AutoCAD中,结束命令、取消命令的功能键是( )。
A. Enter键
B. 空格键
C. Delete键
D. Esc键
在AutoCAD中,以下哪个命令可以用来绘制水平和竖直的线( )。
A. 栅格
B. 捕捉
C. 正交
D. 对象捕捉
在坐标(10,20)中,20代表哪个轴的坐标?( )
A. X轴
B. Y轴
C. Z轴
D. 任意轴
Which of the following sports is not track and field events?
A. jumping
B. throwing
C. badminton
D. walking
Which of the following sports is not ball sports?
A. running
B. bowling
D. tennis