
The following statements are all correct about the commonalities of Uber and Airbnb EXCEPT ______.

A. They are smart about how they chose to expand, picking the right cities at the right time to maximize their success.
B. They both focused on giving priority to customers rather than services.
C. Tools are used to expand their customer base at differnet stages.
D. They provide services during the times when the demand is likely to be the highest.



A. 对
B. 错

员工招聘的影响因素有( )

A. 应聘者个人资格和偏好
B. 外部因素
C. 内部因素

员工招聘的外部因素有( )。

A. 法律因素
B. 政策因素
C. 劳动力市场因素
D. 经济因素

员工招聘的内部因素有( )。

A. 组织战略
B. 组织文化
C. 组织发展阶段
D. 组织管理水平
