HowmanypeoplejoinstheinternshipofDeanTwitterCompany in the film The Pursuit of Happyness?
During the internship, why does Chris carry his suitcase to the company?
A. Because he will go on a trip.
Because he wants to move to a new house.
C. Because he wants to leave the city.
D. Because he doesn’t have a home.
Which president was Tomas Jefferson of the United States?
A. The first president.
B. The second president.
C. The third president.
D. The fourth president.
WhendoesChrismentiontheDeclarationofIndependenceforthefirsttimeinthemovie The Pursuit of Happyness?
A. Whenheismakingaphonecalltohiswife.
B. Whenheisworking.
C. Whenheissellingthemachine.
D. Whenheismeetinghisclient.
WheredoesChrisfindthemisspellingword“happyness”in the film The Pursuit of Happyness?
A. Onthewallofhiscompany.
B. Onthewallofhisapartment.
C. Onthedoorofhisapartment.
D. Onthewallofhisson’sdaycarecenter.