
HowmanypeoplejoinstheinternshipofDeanTwitterCompany in the film The Pursuit of Happyness?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 20
D. 25


During the internship, why does Chris carry his suitcase to the company?

A. Because he will go on a trip.
Because he wants to move to a new house.
C. Because he wants to leave the city.
D. Because he doesn’t have a home.

Which president was Tomas Jefferson of the United States?

A. The first president.
B. The second president.
C. The third president.
D. The fourth president.

WhendoesChrismentiontheDeclarationofIndependenceforthefirsttimeinthemovie The Pursuit of Happyness?

A. Whenheismakingaphonecalltohiswife.
B. Whenheisworking.
C. Whenheissellingthemachine.
D. Whenheismeetinghisclient.

WheredoesChrisfindthemisspellingword“happyness”in the film The Pursuit of Happyness?

A. Onthewallofhiscompany.
B. Onthewallofhisapartment.
C. Onthedoorofhisapartment.
D. Onthewallofhisson’sdaycarecenter.
