Basketball, the ultimate in 1 sports, can be played 2 or outdoors, in a gym or in the park. It doesn’t cost a lot to play, and it isn’t complicated, either. 3 you know a few rules and have some basic skills, you can walk up to any court and join a pickup game ( 临时组织的比赛 ).Basketball is great for building muscles. 4 the game requires a lot of starting, stopping, and sprinting ( 快速奔跑 ), it helps strengthen the lower body. 5 and shooting can develop muscles in the arms and shoulders. Obviously, the fitness benefits increase with the 6 of the game. Moreover, shooting increases your energy, endurance, and 7 , and thus can make other aerobic(有氧健身的) activities, such as walking, running, and skating, easier.However, before you start playing, it is necessary to spend a few minutes practicing throws or 8 the ball around to your teammates. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to warm up your muscles, get your heart rate elevated (升高的), and break a sweat (a sign that you’re ready to proceed). After the game, also take time to 9: Allow your heart rate to decrease gradually by 10 around the court or walking home.