
Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: The first telephone service in North America began on the East Coast in the latel9th century. All of the calls arriving in New York were muted to the office of the early Bell Company. In turn, the Bell Company would switch the calls through a manual switchboard from New York to their destination for the charge of one penny per call. Later in the century, telephone services were established between Chicago and Boston and between Washington and Philadelphia. In 1910 the Bell Company changed from a privately help company to a publicly help corporation. The new company increased the number of telephone switchboards and introduced the use of electronic switches instead of manual operators. It was very expensive fro people in rural areas of the west to set up phone service though. In order to lower the prices of the telephone services, the United States government forced the telephone company to allow local telephone companies to offer competing services. The telephone service that started in American over a hundred years ago has developed into the most sophisticated communications network in the world.
Where was the first telephone service in America established?

A. New York.
B. Washington.
C. Philadelphia.
D. Chicago.


听力原文:M: I waited until 10:20 for you.
W: I must have arrived 8 minutes after you left.
What time did the woman arrive?

A. 10:20.
B. 10:14.
C. 10:28.


A. 对生产经营单位的安全生产管理、安全监督检查、安全技术研究和安全检测检验、建设项目的安全评估、危害辨识或者危险评价等工作存在的问题提出意见和建议的权利
B. 审核所在单位上报的有关安全生产的报告
C. 发现有危及人身安全的紧急情况时,应及时向生产经营单位建议停止作业并组织作业人员撤离危险场所,参加建设项目的安全设施的审查和竣工验收工作,并且签署意见
D. 遵守国家有关安全生产的法律、法规和标准
E. 参与重大危险源的检查、评估、监控,以及制定事故应急预案和登记建档工作


A. 国家财政单位
B. 各级政府财政部门
C. 国库
D. 全国人大常委会


A. 基础租金
B. 成本租金
C. 最高租金
D. 平均租金
