

A. 语言表达时具有表演性质,动情,关注他人感受
B. 语言表达时语速快,内容多,逻辑性强,烧脑
C. 语言表达时干货多,切实际,概念少而精,且贴近生活


Under the old political system, wealth and power was _____ in the hands of a few noble families.

A. center
B. centralized
C. decentralized
D. centralization

We _____ our operations so that divisional managers would have enough autonomy in decision making and product development.

A. centralized
B. center
C. centralization
D. decentralized

Every unit of production must enjoy independence as well as ______ if it is to develop more vigorously.

A. centralization
B. center
C. centralized
D. decentralized

Idiomatic expressions refer to a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not_____ from those of the individual words.

A. deduce
B. deductive
C. deducible
