If you have a credit card, you can use it to pay for almost anything except
A. buying a car
B. taking a trip
C. eating in a restaurant
D. buying credit
Which of the following is not true about the credit card companies, according to the passage?
A. The companies issue credit cards to their customers
B. The companies make large profits from stores and restaurants.
C. The companies pay stores for the goods and services.
D. The companies sometimes have problems collecting overdue payments from bad customers.
Those who need most need help from community service are
A. the old and young
B. the old and the handicapped
C. the homeless and the friendless
D. old woman
If you want lend a hand and need the necessary information, you may go to
A. your school
B. a social service committee
C. the library and churches
D. all of the above
The main idea of paragraph 2 is that
A. many people need help, bue nobody sees and gives
B. the organizations must depend on voluntary help
C. special help should be given to those who can’t easily get help
D. it is necessary to form organizations to give help to those who need it.